
We created FOUND3R for our members

Who are our Members

Web3 entrepreneurs, builders, innovators, allies who support the responsible adoption of Web3 technology, and all those creating a safe space for every stakeholder to speak and learn!

Member Benefits

πŸ—“οΈ Access to events

Digital and in person event opportunities geared towards shifting the narrative around blockchain and web3

πŸ”Š Share your story with branding, speaking and promotion opportunities

Personal or company branding, speaking, and content engagement opportunities leveraging our events, podcasts, Twitter/X, LinkedIn live and FOUND3R Network

🏫 Receive guidance, education, and support

FOUND3R will provide written reports, expert speakers, and services geared to support you including recruiting, technology/product credits, accounting & legal support and more!

🌐 Grow your network

We will proactively provide opportunities to intentionally network with other FOUND3Rs, as well as providing spaces to organically meet and build your network

🎯 Make an impact

Improve the narrative, education, and understanding of what Web3 is really enabling

FOUND3R Core and Members!

Last updated